Monday, March 2 / February 17 (Church Calendar) ~The Beginning of Great and Holy Lent~ Saints of the Day: February 17 / March 2. Great-Martyr Theodore the Tyro. Opening of the Relics of Martyr Menas of Alexandria (same as December 10). St. Mariamne, sister of Apostle Philip. St. Auxibius, Bishop of
Author: Abbot Tryphon
Monday, March 2 / February 17 (Church Calendar) ~The Beginning of Great and Holy Lent~ Saints of the Day: February 17 / March 2. Great-Martyr Theodore the Tyro. Opening of the Relics of Martyr Menas of Alexandria (same as December 10). St. Mariamne, sister of Apostle Philip. St. Auxibius, Bishop of
Sunday, March 1 / February 16 (Church Calendar) ~Forgiveness Sunday~ Saints of the Day: February 16 / March 1. Martyrs Pamphilus presbyter, Valens deacon, Paul, Seleucus, Porphyrius, Julian, Theodulus, Elias, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Danial, at Caesaria in Palestine. St. Marutha, Bishop of Martyropolis in Mesopotamia. Persian Martyrs with St. Maruthas.
Saturday, February 28 / February 15 (Church Calendar) Saints of the Day February 15 / 28. Ap Onesimus of the Seventy. Synaxis of St. John the Theologian at Diaconissa. St. Eusebius, hermit of Syria.St. Paphnutius, monk, and his daughter St. Euphrosyne, nun, of Alexandria. Martyr Major of Gaza. St. Paphnutius,
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever! Saints of the Day February 14 / 27. St. Cyril, Equal-to-the Apostles, teacher of the Slavs. St. Auxentius, monk of Bithynia. St. Isaac, recluse of theKiev Caves. St. Maron, hermit of Syria. St. Abraham, Bishop of Charres in Mesopotamia. Translation of the
Thursday, February 26 / February 13 (Church Calendar) Saints of the Day February 13 / 26. St. Martinian, monk of Caesaria in Palestine. Holy woman Zoe and Virgin Photina. St Symeon the Myrrhgusher, prince of Serbia. St. Eulogius, Archbishop of Alexandria. St. Joseph of Volokolamsk. (Greek Calendar: Ap & Martyr
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever! Saints of the Day February 12 / 25. St. Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch. St. Alexius, Metropolitan of Moscow and wonderworker of All Russia. St.Anthony, Patriarch of Constantinople. St. Mary, nun (who was called Marinus), and her father, St. Eugene, monk, at Alexandria.New-Martyr
Tuesday, February 24 / February 11 (Church Calendar) Saints of the Day February 11 / 24. Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste. St. Demetrius, monk, wonderworker of Priluki (Vologda). St. Vsevelod (inholy baptism Gabriel), wonderworker of Pskov. St. Theodora, wife of Emperor Theophilus the Iconoclast. New-Martyr George of Serbia. (Greek Calendar:
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever! Saints of the Day of Magnesia in Thessaly, and Martyrs Porphyrius and Baptus.MartyrsEnnatha, Valentina, and Paula of Palestine. St. Prochorus of the Kiev Caves. Saints Joachim, Luke, Germanus, Arcadius, Gregory,Martyrius, Anthony, Basil and Symeon, Bishops of Novgorod. St. Anna, wife of Yaroslav
Sunday, February 22 / February 9 (Church Calendar) Meatfare Sunday Saints of the Day February 9 / 22. Opening of the Relics of St. Innocent of Irkutsk. Martyr Nicephorus of Antioch. Hieromartyrs Marcellus, Bishop of Sicily, Philagrius, Bishop of Cyprus, and Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina. Martyr Peter Damascene. Saints Nicephorus