Tuesday, April 21 / April 8 (Church Calendar) Bright Tuesday Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Saints of the Day: April 8 / 21. Holy Apostles of the Seventy: Herodion, Agabus, Asyncritus, Rufus, Phlegon, Hermes, and those with them. St. Celestine, pope of Rome. Martyr Pausilippus of Heraclea in
Monday, April 20 / April 7 (Church Calendar) Bright Monday Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Saints of the Day: April 7 / 20. St. George, Bishop of Mitylene. Martyr Calliopus at Pompeiopolis in Cilicia. Martyrs Rufinus deacon, Aquilina, and 200 soldiers at Sinope. St. Serapion of Egypt, monk.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever! Christ is Risen ! Greetings on the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. Article of the Day: The Miracle of the Holy Fire, has taken place every Pascha, since at least the 12th century, in
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him forever! Great and Holy Saturday Saints of the Day April 5 / 18. Martyrs Theodulus, reader, and Agathapodes, deacon, and those with them at Thessalonica. St. Publius of Egypt, monk. Saints Theonas, Symeon, and Phorbinus, of Egypt. St. Theodora, nun of Thessalonica. St.
Friday, April 17 / April 4 (Church Calendar) Holy and Great Friday Photo of the Day Temple in black and white. Saints of the Day April 4 / 17. St. Joseph the Hymnographer. St. George, monk of Mt. Maleon in the Peloponnesus. St. Zosimas, monk of Palestine. Virgin Martyr Pherbutha
Thursday, April 16 / April 3 (Church Calendar) Holy and Great Thursday Photo of the Day A photo of Saint Basil’s Cathedral, in Moscow, Russia, I took a few years ago. Saints of the Day April 3 / 16. St. Nicetas the Confessor, abbot of Medikion. St. Illyricus of Mt.
Thursday, April 16 / April 3 (Church Calendar) Holy and Great Thursday Photo of the Day A photo of Saint Basil’s Cathedral, in Moscow, Russia, I took a few years ago. Saints of the Day April 3 / 16. St. Nicetas the Confessor, abbot of Medikion. St. Illyricus of Mt.
Wednesday, April 15 / April 2 (Church Calendar) Holy and Great Wednesday Photo of the Day Interior of our Monastery’s temple, during Great and Holy Lent. Saints of the Day April 2 / 15. St. Titus the wonderworker. Martyrs Amphianus (Apphianus) and Edesiua (Aedesius) of Lycia. Martyr Polycarp of Alexandria.
Tuesday, April 14 / April 1 (Church Calendar) Holy and Great Tuesday Photo of the Day “The Light of Christ shineth upon all.” The evening celebration of the Presanctified Liturgy, in the Monastery’s temple. Saints of the Day April 1 / 14. St. Mary the Egyptian. St. Euthymius, monk of
Monday, April 13 / March 31 (Church Calendar) Great and Holy Monday Photo of the Day One of my favorite photographs of myself, standing next to His Eminence, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware. He is a treasure, pure and simple, to all of us English language converts to Orthodox Christianity, having made