Many Have Contemplated Suicide from _The Morning Offering_ on Ancient Faith Radio:
Many Have Contemplated Suicide from _The Morning Offering_ on Ancient Faith Radio:
Unfortunately, much of the mental health profession radically dehumanizes those who are suicidal placing them in a real life “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” environment in the guise of ” help”.
That is what happened to my son. His recovery is made much harder by the unwillingness of clergy and mental health providers to even address the abuse even privately.
My sons concerns are immediately dismissed because he has “a history” now. The only recourse given is the same system that abused him initially.
Still my son persists. After going through 20 counsellors, he found one who actually listens.
The Church has done nothing to help.
The mercy of Jesus Christ can heal all but we rely too much on an approach that is profoundly secular and pharmaceutically based that heals nothing.
Hello Michael, I agree with much of what you’re saying. You might want to try supplements such as vitamin D and vitamin B complex. And take them every day because the effect takes a while to accumulate in the system. Not everybody absorbs things the same way. The problem with our medicine, is it assumes a standard template for every human body yet every human body absorbs things differently. Get plenty of rest, meditate, and exercise joyfully. And of course, stay true to your faith.