Friday, April 17 / April 4 (Church Calendar)
Holy and Great Friday

Photo of the Day

Temple in black and white.

Saints of the Day

April 4 / 17. St. Joseph the Hymnographer. St. George, monk of Mt. Maleon in the Peloponnesus. St. Zosimas, monk of Palestine. Virgin Martyr Pherbutha of Persia, her sister and servants. St. Theonas, Metropolitan of Thessalonica. St. Zosimas, abbot of Vorbozamsk. New Hieromartyr Nicetas the Albanian, of Mt. Athos. St. Joseph the Much-ailing of the Kiev Caves. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos ‘The Life-giving Spring.’ Repose of Elder Savvas of Mt. Athos (1908).


Quote of the Day

O Lord and Master of my life, a
spirit of idleness, despondency, ambition,
and idle talking give me not.

But rather a spirit of chastity,
humble-mindedness, patience and love
bestow upon me, Thy servant.

Yea, O Lord King, grant me to see
my own failings and not condemn my brother,
for blessed art thou unto the ages of
ages. Amen

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